Radio Boomers Live Podcast Interviewing Metaverse Queen Beverly Zeimet, Best Selling Author Susan Postnikoff


Episode Guests :

Beverly Zeimet : The Queen of The Metaverse.
Celebrity,Speaker, Author and Event-Producer. 

I Host Beyond the Stage Podcast opening doors to unlimited opportunities for global exposure, bring your dreams to life, find unlimited stages, scale your business with recurring monthly income, build walk in websites that are open for business 24/7, in all time zones and accessible on all devices. Let me show you how to use the simple, effective strategically designed systems we have in place. Create highly successful summits, tradeshows, speak and sell from the stage events; build it once and use it continuously. Are you ready to save money, make money, save precious time, have fun, reduce stress and do this in the comfort of your own home or office!

Susan Postnikoff : Speaker,Author,Coach

Susan Postnikoff emerges as a beacon of expertise in the intricate landscape of communication. She provides custom-tailored training programs designed to unravel the complexities of interpersonal and corporate interactions. Susan, a prolific writer celebrated for her ‘Empowered Communication’ series, extends her mastery into the speaking and coaching arenas, advocating for clarity and mutual understanding in every exchange. Susan is commitment to bridging disparate worlds through informed dialogue. Aimed at enhancing the communicative prowess of both individuals and organizations, Susan encapsulates a wealth of knowledge, resources, and transformative guidance essential for anyone seeking to refine their communicative skill set and foster environments where every voice is heard and understood. Susan’s background includes being a Medical Device Sales and Marketing Professional for more than 25 years, working with start ups and fortune 500 companies to bring new and disruptive technologies to market which have changed people’s lives. Her communication abilities allowed her to build loyal and trusting relationships, and integrate them within a very complex system of research, regulatory, healthcare and financial interests. Susan is a master communicator and relationship builder, and now shares her talents with others through her Empowered Communication books and training programs.

Susan is Author of : Empowered Communication

Podcast Episode Transcript


Welcome to radio boomers live otherwise known as RV show that incorporates baby boomers and millennials ideas and perspectives.

With the hottest news reviews and interviews and guidance on the transition of brick and mortar to click in order. And now I’m proud to introduce former veteran Military Police and a member of Knights of Columbus. My dad, James Zuli,

my son chairman and CEO of ezway network known as a digital declerck. Eric Zuly.

Eric Zuly. Eric Morning. Good Morning. Morning,

everybody. I’ll tell you what was amazing, you know, time what’s, what’s being created? Now? It’s the computers, you know, all the various computer fields and everything. And the metaverse AI, it’s really evolving quickly and fast. And a lot of people thought it really you stay on top. It really is. Thank

you, Dad, I appreciate that. And you guys were gonna really, if you subscribe to easy way is the best place to get the information and the news and what we have going on. And easy way If you want to be a part of the network and you want to network, easy way networking. You know, we’re really going to give you guys a lot of the information and a lot of tips and tricks and strategies from some of the experts that we have as far as how the transition is changing and things are happening. And it really is it is moving a we have AI and now we have we have the metaverse we have augmented reality we have I mean, the what chat GPT can do and and the technology is is fully incredible and those that are tuning in right now anybody that is new Welcome to Easy Way network, easy way radio, you can subscribe to easy way Get your own podcasts on on the network. We’re on I Heart Radio, Spotify, player, FM, Amazon, and many many other platforms. Just Google easy way network easy way radio. And we have a fantastic, fantastic show today. And not only can you listen to the show, but you can interact with who you listen to. By creating your free account at easy way The letter E letter Z UWA y is the invite code, create that free account and interact and connect. So today we have a very special guest one of our Platinum members. We’re gonna be talking to Metaverse today we’re gonna be talking about and opportunities and actually talking a little bit about the easy way verse because this is actually going to be just a partner of ours. It’s kind of building our Metaverse along with some, some other people. So it’s gonna be an exciting show, make sure you sit back and relax and put your put your your podcast seatbelts on. Because you’re, you’re in for a very, very fun, fun ride. So we’re gonna go to commercial break. And when we come back, we’re gonna have the hot topics, say, Mom, and Dad, you’re gonna be taking your hot topics and all these cool things that you’re doing. And you’d have your own column soon on easy way news. That’s pretty exciting. Before we go to commercial, talk a little bit about what people will be able to follow and what you’re going to be putting on easy way news.

Well, I’m touching base on a couple of things that are just interesting and fun. Like, for instance, did you know, you know, every once in a while, I’ll come across this thing. And we’re like, Are you kidding? And there’s a lot of things that we’ve learned. And a lot of things that we’ve come across people have told us. But I’m going to share some of the real facts about how this situation started or what the actual name of this is. And another one, how it came about. And just interesting tips and tricks and, you know, interesting facts that you’ll enjoy.

Yeah, we’re going to be putting a lot more information on how you can pitch your purpose or product or service and do some easy way networking on our big zoom events coming up may 23 In the next four or five days or so. So mark your calendars guys may 23 4pm Pacific Standard Time every other Thursday, two times a month, the mega pitch parties. It’s a Do Not to be missed event. Easy way pitch Register for free, and come pitch. We’ll be right back after this commercial break. Imagine a social network that’s based on quality members over quantity, where you can easily find the qualified leads you’re looking for. Remembers treat each other as family and promote each other’s projects. get interviewed, manage your business and sell your product or service On our new easy way store, let us do the promotional heavy lifting for you. We’ve created an all in one solution with all the tools you would ever need to promote you and your clients business all accessible by one simple login, social media done for you. Introducing the new 2022 Easy Way network with our built in wall of fame that helps you to search and find that profile you want to network with that matches your business needs while boosting your own notoriety at the same time. This year, we’ve made it even easier on you. Oh, do we mentioned you make money? create your free account today by texting? Easy way? That’s letter E letter Z 255678. Or visit easy way. got questions give us a call at 424-209-9290.

theory, our guys may 20. Can you believe that? Like how did that happen? It was just the holidays. And now it’s May 20th? Well, Penny cos Monday yesterday was clinicals, also known as Monday of the Holy Spirit, a holiday celebrated a day after Pentecost and what has been it goes well, when the Holy Spirit descended down on the disciples of Jesus after His ascension and they have a very, very special day. Indeed. And oh, just just kidding. Okay, so a couple of words Dirty Dancing Back to the Future. And 80 voted the best 80s films. Anybody remember those? That’s pretty much so I went back much further. People say what movies are those frustrating for us baby boomers. A Virginia teacher retired after 67 years and left $1 million to her school family. That’s almost seven years out. Not that the average retirement age is about 64. On average, the retirement savings is about 65,000. That should hold them off for about a years. It was fast. And? Well, a lot of the people you know, what they say is you should have 10 times the amount of your income when you retire. Now, good luck. But some people do but the majority don’t. Alright, so we have ice age as a chief prosecutor. It was issued warrants for the Israeli prime minister and Hamas leader. I don’t know if that will come to fruition. But that’s what’s in the news. Israel continues to strike Gaza and the US is delivering aid to Gaza via floating piers and seems to be working, bringing aid in Iran, Iranian President and the Prime Minister were in you know, they were in a deadly crash in a helicopter. So they’re investigating that. And then we’ve heard on the news, Sean P. Diddy Combs sort of tape. There was a tape out there back in about 2016 or so when he assaulted his girlfriend, Catherine Shara comes to us 72nd Video apologizing and he says that was the past and but that sounds like a sincere apology, you know, people change and all that. But still,

we don’t want to ever do things like that. You got to think you never never had a woman, you know that. We were involved with some of the the parties back in the day. And one of our members actually was involved with this whole new thing that’s happening, Cherie, she’s well, we’ll go into into a more an easy way news, but it’s the facts are there. And she was one of these dancers a long, long time ago. And I’d love for you guys to post your comments and get involved in on your opinion. What do you think, you know, is did he guilt? is did he being real? When when he’s when he’s talking about how he’s apologetic? And he’s sorry? Or is that just an act? Because he is a an actor? You know, so go ahead and post your comments on that and, and we got to get to our guest. You know, the Beverly, is there something else that you wanted to you want to,

you know, that big cargo ship people, you know, wondering what’s going on, they did raise them, and they’re having a toad Toad out and they say it’ll take about two or three, maybe two years or more to finish that bridge over there. Francis got Cambridge, big news. But anyway, Oh, no.

So it’s time to get to our special special guest and Beverly Beverly diamond has been a rap been around for a little bit and she’s the executive producer of a podcast you can go to easily search. Beyond the podcast is right there in the directory. You can also go to RBL If you want to subscribe to the show. But getting into our guest, we have the executive producer behind the stage podcast, which is opening doors to unlimited opportunities for global exposure, bringing dreams to life and finding UNLIMITED Stages. You can scale your business with reoccurring monthly income and build, walk, talk, walk the talk websites, you know, that are open 24/7 And, and, you know, there’s a lot of accessibility to a lot of lot of people within this network and you can get on all the all the devices. And they you know, they really show you how to do business in the metaverse and that’s what we’re going to talk about today is why is Beverly Simon called the queen of the metaverse What is this Metaverse that they’re building? What’s happening? And why is the metaverse beneficial to you?

Let me know shows real quick. Just this let the people know a Metaverse is a network of shared immersive virtual worlds where people can connect with brands, great and play games work and shop. Just to give you a brief general overview. Yeah,

that’s that’s a great overview. So we’re gonna go to Walmart commercial break, and then we’re going to have the queen of the metaverse make sure you search Beverly on the easy way. Now we’re going to want to connect with her and you enjoyed this interview. We’ll be right back. Hey, easy way radio listeners. create your free account on easy way. use the invite code easy way or refer back to the person that referred you to us connect with us by texting easy way letter E letter Z to the number of 59925. Get topflight promotion from the best in the business and help with stages and events. Get promotion on easy way magazine easy way radio easy way TV and join our pitch party every other Thursday for the best lead generation and follow up opportunities. We also have business tools that can help you automate and digitize your business for more results the easy way. Once you create your account, you can set up your profile and connect with our close to 4500 high quality members. We’ll see you there. All right. So without further ado, we have the queen of the metaverse herself a platinum member of the easy way Network. Welcome to the show. Beverly zymox.

Whoa, Beverly. Hey. Hi, Beverly. Welcome back. Welcome.

Welcome back.

Welcome back. Thanks for taking your busy days.

So Beverly,

I can go ahead.


I just wanted to say I really want to I want to get get right into this exciting, you know Metaverse project that you’re building but but you know, you’ve been on the show a couple of times that there’s a lot of new listeners we have over 700,000 listens and a lot of subscribers hitting this new ease with podcasts system. It’s probably anxious to know a little bit about your story and your journey that brought you into the into the metaverse in the digital space as a baby boomer.

All righty. You know, I think the baby boomers are the ones that are going to take this century out with a big bang. You know, we kind of brought all the industrial age coming in, when there was really no technology where there wasn’t even TVs in all this. And here we are, through all of this, all of this movement into the metaverse and the speed in which technology is going with AI, virtual reality augmented and all those things that incorporate anything that is in a digital spaces and how it’s been going on. What got me interested in it is when online courses and stuff came out, my business hit a brick wall because people didn’t want to come to live events anymore. They weren’t putting their butts in the seat. And this happened long before the pandemic where people were pulling back and it’s like, oh, well, I could just buy it on there and do it at my free time. Well, we know that kind of didn’t happen. You know yet. All of these things influence and impact what your business is. So I was looking for another way to be able to put butts in the seat. So you had an audience that you were looking at. Zoom just doesn’t quite cut the audience and in virtual reality spaces. If avatar and Avatar and we generate avatars that look wonky walk like you dress like you talk like you because it is huge. And to be able to be in that space where no little squares are cutting you out, and you have to search, you know all these spaces to find out who’s even talking, where when you are on the stages in these spaces that we create in the metaverse, which just encompasses like, like what your dad was sharing. James, that was brilliant how you said that. So the immersiveness the immersion is what makes you feel connection and your brain, your brain says, There is somebody right here, beside me, that’s what makes it feel that and respond and how, how we learn in interact in these spaces. And a lot of people are scared of it, because it’s so different. But it really isn’t that different when you really understand it. But once you have an avatar, you jump into that space that opens up a whole new world. So going on, right? Education

engages in the ages, users remote working, enhances social agency, socialization, you can go on and on. And you know, that you talked about, well, you have you have zooms but dooms don’t even compare with the, the fun and excitement. And there’s so many entities that are advancing in this, like, for instance, just a little fun. One is you can actually go into a room and buy a watch or buy a certain hat, or get dressed a certain way. That’s one, and then it doesn’t look like a little stick figure anymore. From what I understand, you could actually start looking like yourself up, right?

Exactly, right. Yeah, it’s a full body, you have facial movements and everything. And another thing to change is you don’t have to wear that heavy headset, you know, because you’re going oh, gosh, I got to get one of these goggles. And no, it’s, it’s done by a URL, which is what’s called 1.3. Right. And so when you look at from that perspective, that means that it’s an app on your phone. And we all know what after all about, you just click it. And you can be in this space, having an interaction, anywhere you have your phone access, needs to be on a computer, you can be on a Mac, you can be on a tablet.

Well, my experience for somebody over 70. And I was like, wow, this is because I went to this shopping center, city, whatever they call it. And I walked around. And if you want to, you know they had a little names over the people. And if you wanted to meet with a couple, you can go to a certain table, and then there’s a ring around it and your conversation is private. Or you can go up to a booth or a shop, you can walk up to the shop. And they actually have a screen like a flat screen TV in there. And it shows what their shop is about. And a person’s there you talk to him. You can buy at, it’s amazing. But then so you can do all that stuff while you’re there. But then I went afterwards just to see what it was like when it was closed. And I’m walking around go, wow. So I left the building. And I walked along the side, just for fun to say, Well, what’s it back at us? It’s probably just a blank wall or something. No, it goes from the building to a path. And you’re not only in the past, you’re walking down a grassy hill, and you could hear the grass under your feet. And there’s a beach and there’s a fire. There’s a fire pit by the beach. And you can even see fireworks over the ocean. So I’m thinking while I’m there, I’m going to text out and say Hey, guys, I’m back at the event at the metaverse shopping center, whatever they call it, and I’m doing I’m sitting by the fire. People started showing up on the beach, it was amazing. To push it even further, you could walk out and appear and get into a little boat and go for a ride. Be careful. Because if you fall off the boat, it stops and you gotta get the person back. I mean, there’s, it’s, it’s amazing. It

is amazing. And the technology is just changing every single day, which is what really makes it fascinating. And the graphics are getting better in the interaction you’re able to communicate in and you can talk with each other in there, which is really nice. And I’m glad you pointed that out because there’s so many avenues that you can do. And go hiking even climb Mount Everest if you want you can go through the pyramids, you can go under under the sea, if you can do. Yeah, well, it needs many platforms. You know, you were just on one platform. You were on a baby platform. When you start going into some of these more extensive platforms. You don’t have a little bubble heads. You are just moving through portals. It’s like being the God a year I dumb, right? It’s just so much but it’s so much and I’m gonna I’m gonna have To take you in there and take you on a, what we call world hopping. It’s

Amy, you can even go out in space. Yeah,

you sure again?

This is this is this. I mean, they’re really, where is all this stuff going? If we’re in a place now where we have, I mean, world like encyclopedia, wait a couple of 100 pounds and all we have now we have everything on our cell phone plus videos, that that’s still amazing to me. And now we have this metaverse. Like, where’s all this going to? Especially hooked up with AI know that can create things faster than weekend, you know?

Oh my gosh, okay. Instead of like David said, having to haul all these encyclopedias around, and then you have to go from one book to the next book to trust it, to try to find out what you’re

saying, you know, here it is really saying or changing? Because it used to be, gosh, what the sky is the limit? Right? Not anymore.

Right? Oh, no, it goes beyond the sky. It goes out into the galaxies all over it. You really have a good point there as to where is it going? And I see it as the future of communication. Our world is getting smaller and smaller and smaller because of the advancements in technology, where you know, the only way you could you know, visit someone on the other side of the pond either had to get in a boat and go across or you had to fly across, you know, and then you’re interacting. But now the world gets smaller because of the Zooms because of the metaverse because of our phones, our apps and everything. It’s amazing. I mean, I remember back when they said oh, well, you know, pretty soon you’re going to be able to see who you’re talking to on the phone. And I’m thinking, Oh, that’s interesting, I can go for that. And I’m thinking back when I was a kid at my grandma’s house. And she had one of them. One of them would phones hanging on the wall where you picked up the little funky looking theory or didn’t even look like a receiver. And you had a prank, and you had to crank up fast and you had to crank it, you know, so it was Long’s and shorts. It was so funny. And we wanted to do that. So we always called my aunt who lives down down the road from my grandma, just because he wanted to play on that thing. And, you know, so when you look at how it has developed to where it is today, and now this phone, my boss, James, this phone is not a phone, it’s a pocket computer.
And, you know, so So you’re talking about the train. Okay, it’s a little bit before my time. But I do remember when there was no pagers and things like that. And you had to find a dime, if you wanted to talk to somebody, if you were out, you needed a dime, you put a dime in the paper, and, or two nickels, and now that’s when people were developing the payphone. And then we remember when the papers are disappearing. So people are developing these new steps that are enhancing everything. Now, we have something that it’s not a person developing it, we have an entity called AI developing things. So I say I think we have a bull by the horn here, we’re going to Horn we’re going to have something that’s like you said earlier, this stuff is going to be developing and changing literally, literally by the minute or second. I mean, by the end of the day, there’s going to be all kinds of new new stuff. And it’s like wow, where are we heading here? This is so yours is and like you mentioned the the event just when we had we were doing events and people’s you know my wife and I came out but wow you know, they came from Wisconsin, they had to hit the airport in the parking and then they got to LA it was the parking to traffic to hotel all this stuff and then one of them may not have been feeling a little better whatever the situation. Now, they did the next one and they go boy, we didn’t think we’d be involved in this but we just attended an entire event without any part mentioning the target but it is a game changer as far as that buying the plane tickets and all that stuff you know

And, you know, so So you’re talking about the train. Okay, it’s a little bit before my time. But I do remember when there was no pagers and things like that. And you had to find a dime, if you wanted to talk to somebody, if you were out, you needed a dime, you put a dime in the paper, and, or two nickels, and now that’s when people were developing the payphone. And then we remember when the papers are disappearing. So people are developing these new steps that are enhancing everything. Now, we have something that it’s not a person developing it, we have an entity called AI developing things. So I say I think we have a bull by the horn here, we’re going to Horn we’re going to have something that’s like you said earlier, this stuff is going to be developing and changing literally, literally by the minute or second. I mean, by the end of the day, there’s going to be all kinds of new new stuff. And it’s like wow, where are we heading here? This is so yours is and like you mentioned the the event just when we had we were doing events and people’s you know my wife and I came out but wow you know, they came from Wisconsin, they had to hit the airport in the parking and then they got to LA it was the parking to traffic to hotel all this stuff and then one of them may not have been feeling a little better whatever the situation. Now, they did the next one and they go boy, we didn’t think we’d be involved in this but we just attended an entire event without any part mentioning the target but it is a game changer as far as that buying the plane tickets and all that stuff you know

we have we have another five minutes or so on this on this segment. And definitely I know you have a really big event coming up in in July that has to do with like healers and tech and entrepreneurs. Talk about you know, we have a lot of listeners right now. What the benefits of getting a vendor table speaking on the stage being involved in this event how many people do do you expect how do they create their avatar like let’s let’s get into this event for the next you know the rest of the time that

we have okay. So the vehicles so fast A mastery membership. And we call it a membership, because it’s going for a whole year. And what we’re looking to do expose the world communities, to all the different modalities and educational things that you can incorporate. So you’ll actually have the hands on experience with the speaker. So we’re looking for these educational speakers and the healers to share what they what they do, so that the world has an understanding of how health and wellness really impacts us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even financially, but not just talk about it, to actually do it, to actually experience it. And it’ll all be in the avatar world in that virtual reality space, it’s not going to be on a zoom, you will be connected, you will be in the audience. So we’re looking not only for this, for the speakers, and then the educators in the in the trainers with the how tos. But it’s also the networking interacting with the audience. Because it doesn’t matter what you call it, if you don’t have an audience there, it goes unnoticed and unseen. And what we’re looking to do, by doing what we’re doing is to build the community. And I can’t stress that enough. It’s a trusted community of like minded people who are looking to elevate and grow spiritually, to move higher into a higher frequency, to experience that healing, to be educated on these levels, so that you can become better. And when you’re working in experiencing it in the virtual reality spaces, you learn faster, you retain more, and you recall, and you’re able to incorporate that in and, and then when you want to have more from that person that was on the stage giving the presentation and, and the actual hands on experience. In an immersive situation, there’s, there’s no way to describe the outcome that you get, because it takes you into your it’s kind of like going into your fantasy island when you’re when you pretend really way back when we didn’t have this stuff. But we were dreaming in our mind, and we were creating it as kid. Now it’s come to life. And that’s where the shift is taking place. And that’s the advancement. So you can do more in here. And then take what you have that elevated healing energy where you feel revitalized and refreshed, move it out into your brick and mortar, and have even more fun because you get it all the negative stuff in your life goes away, because it’s too much hard work to get back into that, that that deep hole of, of darkness. And you’re all happy and joyous and energized. When you come out of these spaces. It’s amazing. And I can talk so I’m blue in the page, but until you actually experience it. So what like what you’re saying, Eric is, we are doing onboarding, and there’s going to be a lot of information, watch, watch, easy way watch baby boomers live, there’s going to be links all over the place to be able to come in and join us. It takes five minutes to create an avatar to jump in the space. And it’s all free to do that. And then do you experience it and see where we’re going to take the soul fest mastery and spotlight one person at a time not a whole bunch of people, one person devoted a week and really move them into the world in the exposure that we’re going to give them and the ones that are going to gain the most are is the audience just like the audience listening here today. Right? We’re going to take you to that another level. That’s what beyond this stage does, it takes you to level unheard of unseen and experienced them on a whole different level where it is educational. It is business oriented, it is health oriented, but you know what, we have a whole lot of fun doing it. Just like what you said, James, you know that you that was over and you went exploring and you found things because you were curious

and wanting to go on fun hanging on the beach and stuff. But you know, there’s this what is the future metaverse? It says everyone is predicting that the metaverse will pick up steam soon are picking up steam, and that billions of dollars will be invested into it. But the one clear path I’ve seen is the so called predictions is digital twin technology referring to the digital 3d our real world you know that kind of stuff. So is the whatever the entity all of a sudden there’s another one it comes into it and like we say the sky’s the limit and it’s exciting Jason’s writing what’s around the corner?


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